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Rath Named as Head Coach for Women's Soccer

Rath Named as Head Coach for Women's Soccer

The Sussex County Community College Athletic Department is excited to announce that Mike Rath will be the head coach for the women's soccer program for this upcoming fall season.  Rath has been an assistant coach for both the men's and women's soccer programs since 2016, and has worked with previous head coach Frank Vernacchio for several years, who has now moved on to coaching solely on the men's side.

Athletic Director, John Kuntz, is pleased with the announcement stating, "Mike has been with us for over 10 years and has helped grow the women's program over the past 5 seasons.  I am excited to see him work with the program more and continue its success going forward."

"I'm really excited to get to work with the players," says Rath. "Frank has done a tremendous job with both programs here at Sussex, and I'm looking to continue to build what he has laid the foundations for.  We are all excited to get back to work and focus on competing at the National Tournament again this Fall."